Össur is an incredible company so when they came to us with the need for a video about their “Truly Custom” knee braces, we knew they needed an incredible video. We came up with the concept of following John Kendrick, Manager of Technical Sales Support at Össur, while on a visit to the site where Össur’s braces are made. In the video, John tells the audience (through voice-over) about the careful workmanship behind the making of a truly custom Össur brace.

We worked closely with Össur during pre-production, crafting a script that conveyed the science and care that goes into the process of making a custom brace. During production, we coached the employees and filmed the process using creative angles and high speed filming. Post-production on this project included edited, voice-over recording, sound editing and mixing, color correction, and a motion-graphics logo bumper.

The was the first of two projects we’ve produced for Össur.

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