
2010 Reel Available Now

By March 12, 2010No Comments

336 Productions, a production company based in Orange County, California, has released their 2010 reel. Updates to the 2009 reel include new music and highlights from last’s years work. Some of the new work includes the three web promos 336 did for SAP’s Business Communication (BCM) software, the instructional videos for the mixed martial arts coaching association, MMACA, the workout videos for the new group exercise program, IMPACT, The Compass Guide to Wealth Creation, and the web promo for Expense Tracker. The reel features some of the most popular services 336 offers: internet videos, commercials, trade show videos, and DVD creation. Josh Stone, co-owner of 336, feels that their 2010 reel represents the company, and the direction they’re moving in. He says, “When people watch our reel we want them to not only walk away with a sense of the kind of work we do, but we also want it to give a little insight into who we are. I think this reel does that. We like to have fun, we get excited about our work, we appreciate our clients, and we like to set the bar high.”