In a socially-distanced year, video-based solutions came to everyone’s rescue. Online video consumption spiked overnight, giving companies a new arena to showcase their products and services. Businesses that shied away from jumping aboard the social media train learned, ignoring billions of online audience isn’t going to get them anywhere. But how will video marketing look in a post-COVID world? Let’s look at the top trends of 2021:

Interactive videos

Live videos on Facebook, Instagram and other social media giants allow you to better connect with people. You can reinforce your authenticity by answering customer queries in real-time and build brand awareness. However, interactive video expansion in 2021 isn’t limited to live video streaming.

VR worlds will increase in demand with customers personalizing their products and engaging with the service staff. Think Netflix’s experiment with Black Mirror: Bandersnatch. The audience can actively learn about your products and services, making video marketing more fun and interactive.

360-Degree videos

360 videos began to make waves when automotive companies and the NFL adopted innovative technology to produce creative marketing videos. While these can be more expensive to create, research shows that they yield considerable ROI. This isn’t surprising considering the controllable features of spherical videos.

By allowing viewers to control how they want to view the offerings, you’re giving them an option your competitors aren’t. Facebook, Instagram and YouTube are popular sites where you can publish 360-degree videos for better reach.

Shoppable videos

When Instagram introduced their swipe-up to shop feature in marketing videos, a new video marketing phenomenon was born. In 2021, people are more likely to shop from their homes to practice caution in light of the COVID-19 outbreak. This means that customers will be increasingly interested in clicking screens and getting the products delivered to their doorsteps.

Corporate giants like Amazon and Netflix are already on-board experimenting with shoppable videos. It’s only a matter of time before we see much of it on the screen in 2021.

What’s your video marketing strategy for 2021?

With COVID-19 restrictions in place, the next few months will see massive changes in video marketing trends. If you’re looking to hire video production experts to create the most enticing marketing videos, reach out to us. At 336 Productions, we create corporate videos and event videos at fantastic rates. Call us at 888-440-5830 for more information.

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