
Brighter Than Stars: Using Natural Light in Video Production

By April 15, 2018No Comments

The peace of white sand beaches, the fragrance of roses in a garden, and the taste of flavorsome grapes in a vineyard—these are some of the best places to be. Not only are they beautiful and calming, they’re also great for commercial shoots, thanks to the amount of natural light present and Earth’s beauty.

But for some brands, shooting in natural light can be difficult, especially if it’s their first time. The Tree of Life, directed by Terrence Malick, was shot in natural light only.

Natural light, if used properly, can highlight the important parts of your commercial or video. Here’s what you can do to enhance your videos using natural light:

Shoot During ‘Blue’ and ‘Magic’ Hours

Blue hours refer to the time when the sun sets or is about to rise, but it doesn’t come dark. The sun is not anywhere in sight but you still have a vibrant and beautiful sky to work with. And magic hour is the time before sunset and just after sunrise.

Film directors use blue hour to shoot short night scenes, without any lights. This is because there’s enough light in the sky to not need any lighting equipment. In a nutshell, the results are beautiful and incredible, with a hint of blue adding a nice effect to the footage.

Hollywood directors mainly use it to shoot car scenes or houses with garden lanterns.

Magic hour is perfect for scenes that you would like to shoot in the day time. It will simply make your life easier by providing a very soft and warm, natural light. This is important because it will make your scenes glow and feel and add a touch of “magic” to them.

Choose the Right Locations

The location is what will make your videos stand out. You need to find a location that provides sufficient natural light. Locations like beaches, mountains, parks, trails, and playgrounds are perfect for outdoor shooting because you’re able to shoot in natural light with open spaces available.


Hire a Professional

A professional video production company knows where the perfect location for your marketing video concept. They are also equipped with the right equipment to bring your vision to life.

336 Productions is one such company. As a leading video production company in Orange County, their aim is to help brands carve a name for themselves by offering professional video marketing services to businesses from all fields. Whether it’s a case study or a corporate video, feel free to contact them for a consultation.