
Overcoming Language Barriers: How to Do it Right

By March 12, 2018No Comments

In order to understand what customers want, brands have to adapt, change, and understand their perspective. And one of the best ways to understand your customers’ perspective is by closing the gap between different cultures and languages.

When you’re catering to a diverse audience, it’s imperative to make your campaign stand out amongst all of them.

Most brands have an aggressive focus on their products and they forget that they’re catering to a large number of consumers. And with a country that is known for being a melting pot for different cultures, it’s imperative that in order for your brand to succeed, you understand your customers.

Breaking Down the Walls That Limit Us

As cliché as it sounds, remember that everyone smiles in the same language. Placing a smile on your customers’ faces is what you should aim for. The Golden Era of Hollywood films did not have a format for a language set in stone.

Directors and actors worked their way around technological limitations, to push past their limits, and achieve their goals. The silent film era was one of the best times for Hollywood.

Actors like Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford, Charlie Chaplin, and Harold Lloyd stole the hearts of their audience, without uttering a single word on screen.

They were able to communicate with people around the world through the TV screen, without even talking to them, or each other.

With technological advancements, we’re able to do a lot more, and achieve more than we were 5 decades ago.

With the right measurements, you can take control and break down the walls of language barriers. Here’s what you should consider:

Be Respectful

Businesses love exploring new ideas and that should always be the case, except when it disrespects another culture or language. Keep in mind that in order to build rapport with your clients, you need to consider their beliefs, way of life, and their cultural background.

While most brands take into consideration these things, that doesn’t mean we’re not vulnerable to mistakes.

Recently, Yellow Pages got itself into hot water (or soup) through its viral Bi Bim Bap campaign. The advertisement focused on bi bim bap, which is a Korean dish that literally translates to “mixed rice” but the ad showed noodle soup.

Not only did the ad go viral and was criticized online, it also showed that the company did little to no research on the cultural importance on the dish. Their slogan for the ad, “Find out if bi bim bap tastes as good as it sounds,” also landed them in trouble.

It’s important to research thoroughly before creating a marketing campaign.

Educate Your Employees

Educating your employees on the importance of cultural respect and diversity is imperative. You want to make sure that no stone is left unturned so that your brand thrives. Remember that as a business, your brand belongs to your customers.

Brand marketing is no longer what we tell our customers, it’s what customers tell each other.

You can also hire diverse employees so that your marketing campaigns improve, and you can gain insight on what’s culturally appropriate.

It will also display your brand as a diverse brand.

Speak Visually

When words fail, let the visuals speak for you. Breaking down language barriers means that you effectively communicate with your clients and customers around the globe.  A great story transcends language.

Hiring a video production company that is experienced will help you carve a name for your brand. Professionals are equipped with the knowledge and tools to make your brand stand out. Furthermore, a professional video vendor will also know of ways to communicate with different viewers, without reflecting the brand in a negative light.

336 Productions is a video production company in Orange County that specializes in everything video marketing. If you’re looking for professionals for your video marketing campaigns, feel free to contact us.