
Things to Remember When Developing Your Next Training Video

By September 12, 2018February 1st, 2023No Comments

Video training is a cost-effective, time-saving alternative to live training for a lot of companies. Live training for your employees can get a bit expensive, especially if your staff is spread out in multiple geographical regions. Video training allows companies to train the whole workforce in a uniform and practical manner.

Whether you want to conduct safety training, or you wish to train your employees for a specific process, training videos are your best choice. But sub-par video production can overwhelm the video’s content.

Make your training videos more engaging and effective with these tips in mind.

Make the Monotonous More Mesmerizing

Clearly not every job is as action-packed as one would wish it to be but injecting a little humor into your training videos never hurt anyone. Taking mundane corporate tasks and demonstrating them in engaging and interesting contexts will capture attention and help your employees retain the information. Take this Tesco Corporate Training Video for example.

Keep it Short and Sweet While Reinforcing Key Points

When it comes to corporate training, brevity and thoroughness is the name of the game. The sooner the training is done the sooner the trained employees can get productive. Training videos that are brief yet thoroughly informative are the ones that are effective. Don’t make your employees sit through hours-long videos at the end of which they won’t remember much; make short videos which reinforce the main points.

Take this short video from DuPont as an example.

Don’t Be a Negative Nancy

When creating a safety training video, avoid dwelling on the negative aspects of things. Don’t emphasize what not to do by depicting improper techniques. Instead, show what the employees should do by following up with a clear explanation.

Cast the Right Narrator

The right speaker or voice over artist can transform the way your employees experience the video. People will be more likely to receive training instructions from a likeable personality, someone that they can relate to than a person who comes off as unappealing. Keep the intended audience in mind when you cast the narrator.

A Mix of Visual Elements

Watching the same thing can get repetitive and boring; switch things up by using a mix of different visual elements to hold your audience’s attention. Switch between textual content, graphics, relevant statistics, and on-camera action to keep things interesting.

Ensure Production Quality

For employees to take the video seriously, the training video should be high-quality and expertly produced. Take professional help by hiring a corporate video production company.

Our production company, 336 Productions is an award-winning video production company in Orange County, CA. we help with pre and post video production for your business.

Contact us for a free consultation today!