
How Many Videos Should a Company Produce Every Year?

By March 11, 2016No Comments

Each week we get dozens of emails from our clients and potential clients who have many interesting questions for us regarding video. One of the most common questions we get is, “How many videos do you think we should produce every year?”

For starters, that depends on a number of factors like:How Many Videos Should a Company Produce Every Year

  • The size of your company
  • The nature of your business
  • The size of your market
  • Your online presence
  • The age of your company
  • Your marketing budget

And well, as creative video producers, we could easily make the argument of “the more videos the better!” However, we understand that’s not always possible and so we’ve provided our thoughts on this question by company size.

Keep reading and we are sure by the time you are done with this blog post you will know exactly how many videos you should have produced every year.

Small Sized Companies

Small sized companies may be dealing with tight budgets, niche markets, and/or start-up pains. They don’t need to flood their social media pages and websites with videos. In fact, one creatively designed video that explains their offerings within a span of 60 to 90 seconds will do wonders if they distribute it the right way (on their website, in blogs, community forums, social media, and at trade shows).

Brand videos and explainer videos are excellent tools for small companies to introduce potential customers to their offerings.

Mid-Sized Companies

Medium size companies cater to a relatively larger market, have 3 to 5 years of experience in their industry, and naturally have more things that they want people to know about. We’d say go for anywhere between 1 to 3 video each year. These could include brand videos that give a company overview, explain one unique product, or expand on something as simple as a return policy.

Of course, depending on the nature of your business you could shoot for more videos but if you have budget restrictions (don’t we all do?) you can keep it to a favorable number.

Larger Companies

Larger companies usually cater to a wider market that is made up Larger Companiesof both national and international customers. They have been in their industry for anywhere between 5 to 10 years and have a massive customer base that constantly needs to be updated on their offerings, latest products, and policy updates. These companies also need to put in more effort into branding; Therefore greeting videos, invitation videos for exhibitions, or simply a fun video showing the day in the life of an employee are common among such companies.

If you are a part of a larger company we advise going for at least 4 videos every year to maintain that authoritative image you have put in so much time, effort, and money to establish.

We hope this answers your questions about the number of videos you should put out every year. Have any more questions for us? We would be more than glad to help you out! Get in touch with us right away.