
As Reel as It Gets: How to Use Videos to Market Your eCommerce Site

By June 20, 2018March 11th, 2023No Comments

Video marketing is a powerful tool that can help increase sales for your business. Gone are the days when live marketing and billboard advertisements dominated the marketing world.

With video content revolutionizing the way brands and consumers interact, everyone is realizing how impactful it can be.

For ecommerce stores, their website plays an important role in attracting customers. If your customers don’t know who you are, you’ll never be able to penetrate the global market.

Customers always have high expectations of brands they invest in. If you manage to cater to their requirements, they’ll be more willing to invest in your services.

Video content can help illustrate the value of your products. If you’re planning to create video content for your e-store, here are a few things to take into consideration:

Company Overview

Website visitors love “About Us” videos on the homepage, especially ones that are under 2 minutes.  It’s a great way to welcome visitors to your website and give them an overview of what you do.  It can be an animated video or can feature team member interviews, shot in your office.  Make sure the video reflects the tone of your brand and company culture.


Including positive customer testimonials into your video will help your customers perceive your brand positively.

Furthermore, testimonials help capture the authenticity of your brand and how it satisfies customers. When customers see others investing in your products and getting satisfactory results, they will automatically be drawn towards your brand.

How-To Videos

Whether it’s tips on how to order from your store or things customers can do with a certain product, how-to videos are always helpful. They’re always welcomed by viewers because they are interactive and engaging (and usually short).

Informational videos are popular because they educate consumers about your brand. When your customers know what they are investing in, they will be able to make better choices.

Regardless of what type of industry you belong to, video marketing is the key to launching your brand in the global market. Not only does it help attract the right target audience, it helps your startup explore endless possibilities.

These are just some of the many ways to use videos to market your services to customers.

We specialize in video marketing services. If you would like to hire our video production services in Los Angeles or Riverside, contact  336 Productions by emailing at info@336productions.com or call (888) 440-5830.