Few things influence a buyer’s purchase decision as much as customer testimonials. While praising your own self to prospects can appear too sales-y and not genuine enough, customer story videos can do the job perfectly.
The key to persuading prospects is showing not telling them. Stats show that 97% of customers are more willing to purchase something after seeing a customer review.
Let’s see why customer story videos are important and the key to creating a successful one.
What’s The Secret Behind A Customer Story Video?
On the surface, customer testimonials are quite simple; a customer is asked to share their honest review about your products or services in front of the camera. Considered to be the cornerstone of effective marketing strategies; 89% of marketers use customer testimonials.
But the difference between making a customer testimonial that actually drives sales and one that fades into the shadows is careful planning and proper production. Testimonials should be concise, evenly-paced, as well as visually appealing.
The following aspects should be kept in mind while preparing for a customer story video.
The Person You’re Going To Interview
The person you’re recording or the star of the video, so to speak, should be someone who can help you pull off a decent video. They should come off as confident and believable, and they should be able to convey the value of your services or products in a manner conducive to making the testimonial genuine. They should be:
- Someone who’s credible: The person should be someone that has some quantifiable accomplishments that make them credible enough. They should come prepared with evidence and statistics that accompany how your product or service works.
- Someone who’s believable: The person you choose should be someone that the rest of the audience is able to relate to (this also means someone who’s comfortable on-camera). They should also be compellingly persuasive.
The Place Where You Film It
Generally, there are three places which can serve as a proper backdrop for a customer testimonial:
- At an event: You can record a customer testimonial at a tradeshow event or a conference where you have a large pool to pull from. However, this is better for interviewing multiple people “on the fly”, rather than an in-depth interview with one. This type of environment is often not ideal for sound and limits the set-up and lighting capabilities of the Cinematographer.
- At an office: If you’re looking to add more depth to your customer story, then choosing a quiet setting where the video production crew can properly set up equipment is also a great idea.
- At a studio:Filming in a cyclorama studio or other type of studio is ideal for the video crew, and allows them to be as creative as the budget allows because they have a blank slate to work with.
You can choose either of these depending on whether you want quantity or quality.
A Professional Video Production Crew
Another important aspect of making your customer story successful is the video quality. Professional video production is an investment worth making.
Our video production services can help you create stellar videos! Known as one of the top video marketing services in Orange County, we can help you out with your video needs!
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