
Who’s On Set: The Video Crew

By August 27, 2014No Comments

The crew is the lifeblood of any production, plain and simple. When you are starting a production of a video, you have to ensure that you have all the essential personnel. In large productions, like feature films, hundreds of crew members are involved. In small productions, like for a corporate video, the crew members can range anywhere from 6 to 20.

The scale of your production determines the number of crew members;but there are some indispensable members of the crew that are present on practically every production set:


On the set, the Director is responsible for all the artistic aspects of the production. The script and how to bring it into fruition, specifying the movements of the actors, guiding the rest of the crew, and approving all choices by other crew members is the job of the Director.


The Producer is in charge of all the business related aspects of the video production and client experience on set. Sometimes we’ll have a Producer and Production Coordinator on set. They will work together to make sure the set is running smoothly, and everyone is comfortable, safe, and working.The finances, hiring the cast and crew, location decisions, scheduling, cast and crew communications, etc. are all the responsibilities of the Producer.


Many times, we’ll refer to the Cinematographer by their other name (the D.P. or Director of Photography). Bringing the director’s vision from script to screen is the important and creative task that DPs have to accomplish. He/She coordinates with the Director to determine the look of the shot, and which lens to use, camera, and lights to achieve that look. On our sets, often, the DP is the Camera Operator as well.


The Gaffer is responsible for managing lighting, including associated resources such as labor, lighting instruments and electrical equipment under the direction of the DP. They work in coordination with the DP to work out a lighting plan for the shoot. Gaffers oversee the whole lighting crew and work as the extension of the DP.

Sound Mixer

Sound Mixers records the sounds and dialogue on set. They capture the sound using a boom microphone and/or lavalier microphone, and manage the sound recorder/mixer. They need the technical know how of all the relevant equipment, so they can troubleshoot any sound related issues that may arise during production.

Hair and Makeup

The onscreen talent has to look their best for the cameras. Hair and Makeup Artists make sure the talent is “camera ready” and looking their best.They use makeup that is specially created for HD video. Not only do they get the talent ready before the cameras roll, but they maintain the look as filming proceeds. This is important since film lights can tend to make sets hot, and talent can get shiny.

Production Assistant

A Production Assistant assists any crew member who is in need of their help. They wear many hats and come in contact with all departments.